Kate Drabkin

Concept Artist & Visual Designer

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The character of Xeema, loosely inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's Snow Queen, emerges as a mentor to our hero. Portraying reason and wisdom, Xeema's guidance becomes instrumental in Doorah's quest, encouraging Doorah to detach herself from a narrow and self promoting definition of "good" and embrace a broader perspective that encompasses the greater good for all. The encounter with Xeema marks a pivotal point in the game, a moment where the hero's ultimate destiny is waiting to be determined.

Zeema large image

Design Explorations

Xeema Design Explorations


Here are some preliminary sketches leading up to the creation of the final key art. Xeema needed to be convinced to aid Doorah in her quest, some of the sketches represent the earlier stages of the "convincing".

Xeema sketch 1Xeema sketch 2Xeema sketch 3Xeema sketch 4Xeema sketch 5

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